• We Help You

    Every good act is humanity. A man's true wealth hereafter is the good that
    he does in this world to his fellows.

  • We Help You

    Every good act is humanity. A man's true wealth hereafter is the good that
    he does in this world to his fellows.

  • We Help You

    Every good act is humanity. A man's true wealth hereafter is the good that
    he does in this world to his fellows.


Introduction We Help Us

Founded by Richard Cross

our nonprofit organization, 'We Help You,' is dedicated to transforming lives through support, education, and nourishment for disabled and underprivileged individuals. Our mission also extends to caring for animals, ensuring they receive the necessary medical treatment, food, and overall care.

What we do

Support for Disabled and Poor Persons

  • Provide essential education and learning resources.
  • Distribute food and nutritional supplements to those in need.
  • Offer medical assistance and healthcare services.

Our Programs

Education Program

Food Distribution Program

Animal Care Program

Our Impact

Impact Statistics

Success Stories

  • Share brief stories or examples of individuals or animals you have helped.

Impact Statistics

  • Number of people and animals helped.
  • Education programs launched

Call to Action